Refer a Friend Program
Important message before using this program
All details, terms, conditions and restrictions of the Refer a Friend program are available here. This article is an answer to frequently asked questions related to this program. Before using it, please read the rules of the program at the link above.
Only a new LMI user can be invited under the Refer a Friend program. Already existing users or returning LMI users cannot be invited. If an existing VolFix user is invited, then the user should not have any LMI accounts, including test accounts.
The invited user will not be able to link their account to the LMI Affiliate in the future.
A user whose account is linked to an LMI Affiliate will not be able to use this program as an invited friend(referral) but will be able to participate as a person who invites a friend(referrer).
A user who is an LMI Affiliate will not be able to participate in the Refer a Friend program.
The use of false data when registering a new user by invitation and registering repeated accounts to increase the bonus balance in the future will lead to the inability of the trader to receive the Funded session account.
Where can I see the bonus balance and the number of invited users?
Bonus balance and the number of invited users can be seen in the LMI Trade Report module (Market Watch -> component -> social -> LMI Report, Bonus button) in VolFix Anywhere (new version of VolFix, in the current version, this function is not available).
Where is the invitation code, and how can I copy it?
The invitation code is available in the LMI Trade Report module (Market Watch -> component -> social -> LMI Report, Bonus button) in VolFix Anywhere (new version of VolFix, in the current version, this function is not available). To copy the code, left-click on it, after which the code will be copied.
How the Refer a Friend program works
Brief description of the program
The Refer a Friend program allows a current LMI user to invite a friend by giving a $50 discount to a friend ($25 discount when a friend orders a first Mini-sized Practice account) to first Practice account, and receive $50 for the invitation to referrer's bonus balance ($ 25 to the bonus balance in the case of another ordering Mini account).
Copying the code
Copy your code from LMI Trade Report and give it to your friend who doesn't have LMI accounts yet, including test ones.
This code can only be used when ordering the first Practice invoice through the LMI Trade Report since this code will not work through the website.
The code does not change over time and can be used to invite multiple friends.
Installing VolFix
If your friend does not already have VolFix installed, then the platform can be downloaded from these links: current version VolFix, new version VolFix Anywhere.
Registration in LMI
Important: If your friend does not have a VolFix login, then registration should be made using this link
After registration, the invited friend will have access to a test LMI account for 14 days, and the friend will also have full access to VolFix for this period with access to tickers available for LMI accounts. If the invited friend already had test access to VolFix, then access to quotes will be available only in the Order Window module.
Very important: When registering, there should be no "Referral ID:" line. In the screenshot below, it is highlighted with an orange frame.
If this line appears, then your friend needs to open the link in the incognito tab. Otherwise, your friend will not be able to use the "Refer a Friend " program.
How to use the code
To use the code, you need to open the LMI Trade Report (Market Watch -> component -> social -> LMI Report) in any version of VolFix and click on the button "Start a new Practice", then select the size of the account, the date of the start of the account and insert the code into the "Promo Code" field.
To confirm the order, click on the Place Order button, after which a payment email with the applied discount will be sent to the linked e-mail address to the VolFix login, from which the registration to the first Practice account was made.
The invited user can create several orders, but after paying for one of them, the rest of the orders will not be processed for activation, and if they are paid, the funds will be returned to the trader.
If the discount is not activated
If the discount is not displayed in the payment email, please check that the code has been copied without additional characters.
If, after checking the code, the discount has not been applied, it means that the user cannot use the "Refer a Friend" program because:
- The user already had a VolFix login with an LMI account, or the user already has an LMI account on the current VolFix login;
- User login is linked with an LMI Affiliate, or the user is an LMI Affiliate;
When are bonuses credited?
After activating the account, that is, from the moment when your friend's account becomes available for trading, the bonus will be credited to your bonus balance, and the bonus balance will be updated.
How do I use my bonus balance?
Important: Orders fully paid or partially paid using the bonus balance cannot be refunded.
When creating a new order, both for a new Practice account and for extending the account of the Practice or Qualification stage, as well as for restarts for both stages, the current bonus balance will be applied to the order, and in the case of:
1. If the bonus balance is fully sufficient to pay the order value, then the order will be executed immediately after clicking the Place Order button, and the bonuses will be debited in the amount of the full order value.
2. If the bonus balance is not enough to make a payment, a payment email will be sent to the e-mail address with the remaining amount for payment. Bonuses will be debited after the payment for the order has been made.
2.1 If several orders were created using the bonus amount, then the bonuses will be deducted from the order that will be paid first, the rest of the orders will cease to be valid, and if they are paid, the funds will be returned back to the trader.
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